Creation´s Child

by Vickey Brickle-Macky 10/22/2000
Part Two



        Athena was conferring with Ilainus when they arrived. Ares was still holding on to Eve who had now fallen asleep on his shoulder. Athena and her commander both turned to observe their approach. What, you surrendering now, Brother? Turning over the brat and the mother to me?" Athena asked hopefully starting to reach for the child then backed off as she saw the deadly looks coming from both Ares and Xena. Athena stopped dead in her tracks and glared.

        "Don't even think it, Athena," Ares warned her. "I meant every word. Xena and her daughter are mine now and you 'will' back off and leave them alone. I do see that you are backing off your troops," he said observing the people packing up and leaving already. They were already busy dismantling the barricades and cleaning up the field while on the other side the villages were cautiously doing the same.

        "Yes, I do keep my word. So you are going through with this? Playing Daddy to this hell spawn," Athena growled at him, her arms folded defiantly across her chest while her girlfriend sided up next to her looking on confused and dismayed. Ilainus had just gotten the barest briefing on the new situation with Ares and Xena and it hadn´t fully sunk in. Seeing Ares with Xena and Eve she had to believe it. Prudently, she kept her mouth shut and out of this.

        "Eve is not that, and you know it," he told her brisling, "and there is no 'playing' involved with my being a father to Eve," he told her seriously. "What you didn't think I had it in me? At least I have had kids and know what it's like to be a parent. You can't even stand to get near a child, let alone let yourself get close enough to a man to get one," he added rubbing it in her childless state and her known preferences of women over men as lovers.

        "Well seeing you actually being a Daddy will be a first. You never have shown any concern about your offspring before and especially someone's else's get," she swung back at him.

        He chose not to rise to her baiting, "there's always a first time for everything, sister dear. Even gods can change if they want to with the right motivation behind them," he said glancing at Xena who was looking at him proudly for his stand. Her looking at him like that made him know he was doing the right thing.

        "So why are they here with you?" Athena questioned a little unsure why the family outing.

        "I'm taking them to the Council meeting," Ares informed her and watched her face grow dark and deadly with rage.

        "No, no, no! I will not allow you to pollute our halls with the presence of these...mortals. No way, Ares!" she yelled at him startling Eve.

        "Athena, it was my idea," Xena said speaking up and getting between Athena and Ares before they started lobbing fireballs or worse at each other. "I'm tired of this cat and mouse bit that has been going on. Since this meeting is going to be over me, my daughter, and Ares. I do have some stake in it. All you know about Eve is that she happens to fit some ancient prophesy by the Fates. I think the whole bunch of you have been overreacting. I wanted the other gods to see her and see that she is no threat and won't be if Ares and I are together. But if you don't let me go to this meeting and you keep pushing me, threatening my child; you will have an out and out war with me," Xena warned squaring off against the goddess of warfare, "and you know I don't back down." Xena told her deadly earnest, her eyes meeting and Athena was the one who had to look away and back down.

        "Very well," Athena said icily seeing the wisdom in Xena's words, "I will allow it. I will let the others see the child and if we still find her dangerous, then what, Xena?" she asked.

        Xena really didn't have an answer for that one. "I don't know. But I will not let you destroy my child. I will die fighting before that happens," she warned the goddess meeting her eyes unflinchingly, letting her know that she would fight them all if it came to that, hoping that it wouldn't.

        "So be it," Athena said answering her challenge. "In the meantime I have a few more things to take care of. I will be at the meeting shortly," she told them both and then turned on her heels taking Ilainus with her vanishing into the bustle of the camp.

        "That went well," Xena said turning to Ares to see how he was taking all this.

        "Yeah, considering. At least Athena isn't too opposed to our showing up for the meeting with Eve. If Dad was still around it wouldn't have been a problem at all. He always liked you. When he went after you it was business. He believed he was doing the right thing for our survival," Ares told her, with a touch of sadness in his voice as he handed Eve over to Xena. "I think she's getting hungry," he told her.

        "Probably. Can you get us somewhere and I'll go ahead and feed her. A cranky, hungry baby is not going to make a good impression on your relatives," she told him as she felt her daughter's growing hunger and how she was starting to squirm and fuss.

        "No problem," he said encircling them with his arms and in a blaze of light they vanished from Athena's camp to reappear in Ares' chamber on Olympus. Xena had meant the temple chamber, but this would do.

        The room looked roughly the same as when she had last been here all decorated in shades of black and blood red with touches of silver and gold. A man's room, bristling with weapons, and the spoils of war, and in her opinion still rather dark and dreary despite the candles and torches which weren't really real anyway, just illusions of the real things on earth. Looking for a spot to land in the fairly cluttered chamber to feed her daughter, she decided the bed looked safe enough to sit down on. So she wandered over to it. Sitting down with Eve in her lap she began undoing the straps of her armor to feed Eve, not really paying attention to Ares as he busied himself elsewhere.

        "You don't really have to do that. I could have filled Eve up," he said standing now before her watching her feed her daughter.

        She smiled up at him. "No, I enjoy doing this. I didn't get to do this with Solan except once before I gave him away. It makes me feel complete somehow, needed. What you've never seen a woman nurse a baby?" she asked amused.

        "Yes, and I have watched you many a time with her. With her you lose your hardness. You become softer, more feminine, and always seem more alive somehow. Right now you are very beautiful to me," he told her. "I can't wait until I can see you hold our child that way in your arms," he added giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back in a minute. I have to go check on something," he told her walking away before she could question him on his odd statements.

        "Okay, I'll be here," she said as she switched Eve over to her other breast. She looked after him wonderingly as she thought about what he had just said and admitted to her. She now realized that he had been watching her for months. She had put it down to nerves because he had never materialized but just stayed just slightly out of range of her normal sensing of him. Xena now understood a lot of things now. Warm feelings, loving feelings that had seemed to wrap around her like an lover´s embrace that had seemed to come from out of nowhere when she had been alone with Eve. He had been there, too, sharing in the only way he could be allowed to share those moments with her. It also explained why Eve had no fear of him either and was happy to see him and treated him familiarly as he did her---because they were used to each other? He´d been coming and seeing Eve when she was asleep or she and Gab had been busy! Xena just shook her head disbelieving she had never figured it out before that he had been watching over them. Because if he had wanted to destroy them he could have done so very easily at any time. He really had been protecting them all this time from his fellow gods because he wanted to and because he had really been in love with her like he had been trying to tell her.

        She need to do a lot of rethinking about him and their situation as she had a feeling that things were going to be changing drastically for all of them. How she wasn´t sure, but she was going to try and prepare for anything including the worse which in their case would be death or worse. With this group of high strung, fearful, and emotionally unstable gods without Zeus´s guidance and reasonability you never knew what was going to happen. She now wondered if she had made the right decision coming into this lion´s den with her child or not. Only the fates knew and probably on this they wouldn´t give her a straight answer. She sighed, and just held her daughter closer, singing to her softly to calm them both as she waited for Ares´ return.


        Ares left his chambers in search of Aphrodite. Usually little Sis was on his side and she liked Xena since Xena and Gabrielle had helped her out a few times in the mortal world along with helping Cupid too. She thought everyone was over reacting to Xena's daughter too and didn't see her as a threat. Though she wasn't too happy about the part that both Hercules and Xena had played in the death of her parents, she was finally getting over that.

        He found her finally in her pink and white marble chambers taking a bubble bath in the huge almost room sized tub/swimming pool in her bath with her pink clad attendants fussing over her as usual. "Hi Sis," he called out announcing his presence before he entered her perfumed halls.

        Aprodite was leaning back relaxing against the cushioned side taking a sip out her drink in a clear glass goblet. She saw him enter and smiled broadly, delighted to see him as she usually was when he graced her presence. "Hi bro', I see you're back. How went the siege?" she asked, surprising him that she knew about it.

        He recovered quickly and told her," Athena backed off and it's over." He stood well away from the edge of the pool. He had been dunked too many times to let her get a chance to do that today.

        "Good. How did you manage to get 'old iron drawers' to do that?" Aphodite asked as one of her attendants bent down and began soaping her back with a loffa, sighing in pleasure.

        "Xena and I reached an agreement, and I took her and Eve under my protection," he stated simply.

        Aphodite sputtered and lost it, looking up at him surprised and amazed. "You and Xena reached an agreement?" not quite believing she had heard him say that. "The same Xena I know that hates your guts and won't have anything to do with you?" she questioned.

        "Yeph, that one. Except she doesn't quite feel that way about me or the situation anymore. She's had a change of heart," he said smugly with a slight grin.

        "You two didn't? Ohh my gods, you did it, didn't you?" she squealed delighted, knowing how love sick her brother had been for a long time over this mortal and how the said mortal had repeatedly refused his advances making him extremely short tempered and irritable. Yeph, they had did it. He was definitely in a lot better mood. She could tell the difference already.

        "Yes, finally. I thought she was going to back out of it and if I hadn't discovered Gabrielle's plan and transported her nice little explosive devices elsewhere before they could go off it might not have happened. As it was I made sure we were not disturbed. She held up her end of the bargain so now I am honoring mine," he told her as she rose out of the tub coming towards him.

        She realized that she was nude, and it was bothering him so she snapped some clothes on, not that they covered that much. And continued her advance on him until she stopped before him beaming up at him happily. And he had done it all on his own without her help. She was so proud of him. "So what you and Xena are now an item?" she asked hopefully.

He had to think about for a minute, considering and deciding that maybe they were one now. "Seems so. And it in a while she will be having my son," he added proudly knowing that she never saw that coming.

        "You got her pregnant?" she asked, taken slightly aback. Shock written across her pretty features. "Ohh, my gods!´ she squealed.

        He was amused that he had surprised her, but worried she wasn´t taking it well and congratulating him like he thought she would. Ares thought he also better explain everything so she´s understand what had been at stake.. "That was part of the deal. A child of my own, by her. But I doubt if anyone else will understand why it's so important to me," he said, looking to her for some understanding still puzzled by her reaction or rather enthusiasm for their having a child since Aphrodite was usually so kid crazy.

        Aphodite sighed, "yeah, I do. You've been obsessed for ages over her. It's gotten so we can't even have a family dinner where you´re not talking about her to everyone. You want a part of you to live on through a child you've both created. A child created out of your love. Am I guessing right?' she asked excitedly, looking up at him.

        "Yes. And it was love and something much more that happened between Xena and I. It was like nothing in my experience and I have had considerable in that department. I've made love before with her but I can't even begin to describe what happened. It was like we bonded together one every level conceivable, one soul, one heart and then some. Does that make sense?" Ares asked her, her being the expert, and all that on love supposedly.

        She clapped her hand to her mouth in shock, her crystal blue eyes growing wide, "ohh my gods, oh my gods," Aphodite squealed, bobbing up and down, and looked like she was going to faint which then got Ares even more worried.

        Grabbing her by her arms he demanded, "What? What in all the names of all the gods is wrong now?" he had to ask, getting scared now, hoping she'd say something and not leave him in the dark like this.

        Finally she got a grip on herself enough to talk, but she was still plainly in shock. "Ares, honey, you two are going to have one unbelievable kid. They are going to be even more powerful than Daddy or Granddaddy was. You've created 'Creation's Child', the child that is beyond God and man but blended of the two out of pure love. The one that the Cronos' scrolls say is going to usher in the new age of the Gods upon the earth after the old gods are destroyed by the Messenger during the Twilight. Ohh my gods, babe, you can't let anyone know. If you thought everyone was upset about Xena's daughter this will really having them zeroing in on your warrior babe," she told him in a low voice afraid now to speak very loudly less she be overheard. "Your love has signed our death warrants, for real this time," she added sadly, not wanting to have to tell him all this, but he had to know.

        He looked down at his sister just as stunned as she was, not sure whether to believe her or not. "No, no, no! I finally think I´ve got everything all under control and am happy for the first time in a long time and you tell me this? My kid´s going to destroy us all—not Eve? There´s got to be some mistake. Sis, find those scrolls. I have to see them and read it for myself. You could be wrong about this," he said with a ray of hope in his voice even though he was shook to his very core with the implications of what he had done unintentionally..

        Aphodite met his worried, heartsick eyes with matching ones fearing for her brother and them all now. Still she could have been misreading the ancient scrolls. They were a bit difficult to decipher and comprehend since they were written in the ancient language of the Gods of Creation, the Watcher´s and not in modern language. "Yeah, maybe you're right, babe. Maybe I messed up reading them. For you and Xena's sakes as well as all of us I hope so. I'll find them and bring them to you. By the way where is she?" she asked as he hadn't said.

        "Here on Olympus, in my chamber's with her daughter. I brought them here. There's going to be a Council meeting. That's one reason I stopped by to let you know. Athena called it to decide my fate as well as Xena's and her daughter's since they are under my protection now. Xena insisted upon coming and bringing Eve so that everyone can see that her child is no threat to any of us," Ares informed her.

        "But babe, she is if I'm reading those scrolls right. She's the Messenger that proceeds 'Creation's Child'. And if I remember it all, I quote: 'From the stuff of Earth shall come forth the fierce Mother and from her by no man's hand will first be born the Messenger who will proceed 'Creation's Child' that will be of the Gods and of the Earth, conceived in love but born of blood and war. The birth of these children of the Mother mark the end of the first ages beginning with the Twilight, and herald the dawning of the New Age of Gods and Man. Even the very depths of the heavens and the earth will be shaken by this new order as the old gives way to the new with much pain and loss on both sides until the balance of life is again restored on all planes. The Mother will then give birth to the new race of gods and they will take their rightful places within the heavens," she said repeating word by word what she had read.

        Ares was more than unnerved by what Aphodite had told him. "Why doesn't anyone ever tell me these things before I stick my foot into the proverbial trap? Gods!" he exclaimed angrily, letting her go and just stood there looking down at the floor. "Dite', I hope you're wrong about this as I don't need this on my head too. All I wanted was a nice normal life, settle down with Xena, have some kids, start a few wars for fun, the usual. Now if all this is true, mine and Xena's kids will be the ruin of us all and destroying them I take it is not an opinion?" he asked wondering if that possibility might be covered in the texts.

        "No, actually if these children are destroyed then the Heavens and Earth will be swallowed up in darkness and sheer evil worse than Dahaak ever thought about being will be let loose upon all the planes. Another Messenger, the 'Messenger of Darkness' will be born from 'a fallen servant' and the 'Master of the Pits' which will pave the way for 'Destruction's Child'. The Gods will all be destroyed and in it's place the Dark One will rule with Destruction by their side in chaos, and that which remains of man will live in everlasting agony until the end of days. Scary, huh?" she said quietly, looking up to him very shaken by the possibility of such a thing occurring. "You and Xena have the good batch. The other can not be allowed to be," she added, trying to reassure him.

        "Yeah, right. The good batch, sure," Ares replied rather distractedly. Why him? Why Xena? Someone had a very warped sense of humor when it came to their relationship. How the hell was he going to be able to tell her this? She was paranoid enough over Eve--this would kill her.

        "Are you okay?" Aphodite asked him worriedly, for a god he was starting to look awful pale.

        He just laughed, "you've got to be kidding. You tell me all this shit and you ask if I'm okay? I will be eventually...I just need to calm down a bit. Gods, we've still got that damn Council meeting to go to. Sis can you please keep what you just told me to yourself for awhile? Please?" he was actually begging her.

        Aphrodite looked up at him reassuringly, still worried about him and this new problem. "Sure big bro', anything for you. Let's just hope I was wrong or the scrolls are screwy. You go get Xena and Eve and I'll see you at the meeting. And please try to get a grip on yourself or else Athena and the others will know something is up and the whole thing will get blown before we can think this out," she told him being more level headed than normal for her. She was never quite the ditz that people thought she was. She just cultivated that impression and let it work for her. "Now go, git! Or you'll be late," she added pushing him in the direction of the door.

        "Yeah first Xena, then the meeting," he told himself and hurried back to his chambers to collect her and her daughter. His mind was still reeling as entered his room and saw Xena still sitting on the bed. She was through feeding Eve and had been playing with her. She looked up and frowned when she saw his worried expression.

        "What's up?" she asked, crocking an eyebrow.

        "Just something Dite' told me. I'll explain after the meeting. Not enough time right now," he told her truthfully. "You and Eve doing okay?" he asked, focusing and calming in her presence coming over to stand near to where she sat on the bed.

        "Yeah, no problems. Are you going to be okay? I haven't seen you this shook in awhile," she said getting up and coming over to him, her crystal blue eyes concerned and worried about him.

        "Yeah, I'll be okay. It's nothing. Just worried about the meeting, that's all," Ares answered covering up and regaining his usual composure.

        Xena wasn't buying it but she also had enough sense not to press him, not when their alliance was still so fragile and all their fates hung in the balance. "It'll be okay, really," she reassured him and leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek startling him.

        Her action had surprised him and he stared back in wonder. "What was that for?" he had to ask.

        "For luck and I felt like it," she smiled, her eyes full of mischief and she sided up next to him and laid a hand on his chest.

        He raised a eyebrow, regarding her speculatively, "okay. Could it be you are warming to our deal and might actually want it to work?" he asked, capturing her hand with one of his own.

        "Maybe. I told you I will honor my promises and so far you have been holding up your end. It's not going to be easy, but I do care about you, and I want it to work out between us," she said sincerely, not telling him about all the heavy duty thinking she had been doing about him and them since he had been gone and her deciding to really give him a chance.

        "I do too, more than you'll ever know," Ares told her and kissed her letting her know how much he did mean it. Releasing her he looked at her, already bracing for the confrontation with his fellow gods. "It's time. Ready?"

        "As much as I can be," she replied with a shrug, then tighten her hold on Eve and grasped his hand.

        With a thought they transported to the Council chamber where the other gods were also appearing and settling into their places on large comfortable cushions and couches around the chamber. Some of the gods she recognized from having dealt with them in the past, others she knew from descriptions, though there were a few she had no clue who they were or what area of life they presided over. She wanted to ask Ares about who they were, but he seemed too distracted to be questioned about much of anything which had her worried a little. Whatever he and Aprodite had been taking about must have been serious as he didn´t get this shook over things unless it was very serious. She was sure it was something about her and them, but more than just the situation over Eve. She hated being in the dark like this, but she could tell this was something he was not ready to talk about yet.

 He guided her and Eve over to some large over stuffed cushions on a tiered dais near Aphodite and Hades whom she knew. Aphodite jumped up from her nest of pillows and greeted her happily. She was all gorgeously arrayed in low scooped white chiffon tunic dress with touches of gold braid and pink roses embroidered on her trailing skirt. Her hair was ever more elaborately curled and coifed with pink and gold ribbons as well as gemstones twinned into her curls

        "Hi Xena, is this Eve?" she bubbly asked, never before having seen her, only having heard about her from everyone. "Ohh, she's so adorable. Can I hold her?" she squealed sincerely, asking if she could hold her.

        Xena didn't hesitate. If she was going allay the god's fears she couldn't be over protective and Aphrodite was one of the few gods she did trust completely. "Yeah, no problem," she said with a proud smile handed Eve over to the Goddess of Love. Eve beamed back up at her and started cooing which immediately endeared her to the goddess. "Ohh, she likes me," she said with a wistful awe in her voice. "it's been so long since I held a little one," she said talking baby talk and playing with the delighted child as she gracefully sat down with her in her mass of soft cushions.

        Xena smiled pleasantly, looking on, and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief that Eve had immediately warmed to Aphodite and vice versa. She was the easy sell. Looking around the room she was trying to pick out which gods and goddesses were going to be ones she was really going to have convince that her child was safe. She really wished she had a better idea of who was who and who was allied with whom or pissed off at whom. She and Ares really should have discussed some sort of strategy before this. They hadn't so she was just going to have to wing it and hope for the best.

        Athena finally appeared and immediately sat down haughtily on Zeus' vacant throne. There were a few frowns on several faces, but there were no outbursts, or cries for her not to sit there. She was Zeus' daughter alone, born of him supposedly fully grown from his head, not of a normal sexual union between gods as many were in this room. That did make her rather unique as well giving her a more direct claim to the throne than other's might have. Athena looked around at the large assembly seemingly pleased at the fairly large almost full strength turn out. She was still smiling until she spotted Xena. She then got a sour look on her pretty face and her eyes were shooting daggers of contained fury. She had probably thought that Xena would not show up for this, that she was here did not make her happy.

        Ares was making his way back over to her from some small conference with a group of brightly clad gods and goddesses Xena didn't know on the other side of the room. She was feeling a bit conspicuous standing there in her well worn fighting leathers when everyone else was so elaborately and richly dressed. She should have thought about dressing up a little for this if she had known it was going to be this fancy. Still the gods needed to take her as she was, a warrior and now a mother fighting for the life of her child as well as for herself.

He finally came back to her side and then taking her hand he guided her to a large red velvet cushion and then he sat down next to her on a black one. Looking at her he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "it will be okay. I´ve been drumming up some support." He did not let loose her hand, and she allowed it, knowing that it would help their cause, not hurt it. "Where's Eve?" he asked concerned noticing that Xena didn't have her. He started looking around worriedly for the child not seeing her immediately.

        "With Aphrodite. She wanted to hold her and I said okay," Xena replied and he visibly relaxed when he heard that knowing that she was safe with his sister.

        "Smart move," he told her. "Sis will take care of her. She loves kids." Ares told her, and glanced back to see that ‘Dite did indeed have the baby and was having a wonderful time playing with her with Hades looking on seemingly amused for once. He filed that away and turned back to Xena who had also been observing Aphrodite and Eve as well as Hades. "Well, it looks like almost everyone has showed up for this. Normally we don´t get this kind of turn out for meetings—everyone generally avoids them, especially since Athena has taken charge. They don´t come unless they have to come. Athena really must have said something to get a lot of them to crawl out of their holes," he told Xena in a low voice so she would understand how unusual it was to have this many gods gathered like this. "This Twilight thing and now this rising of Eli´s worship and following has them all worried. They´re losing their worshippers and are getting scared."

        Xena could understand that. She had seen how crazy it had made him. He had unwittingly been the instrument in Eli´s death. Ares had made a martyr out of Eli, played into the hands of the prophet who was acting on the orders of the higher powers which had given her Eve who was supposed to be some kind of divine Messenger for them. Xena wished she understood more of what was expected of her and her child by Michael and his group because sitting here she had no idea whether or not she was going to survive this meeting or not.

Ares was glad she didn´t know about the punishments he had received when he returned from killing Eli as Zeus was furious that his son had been gloated into killing Eli and used by Michael and his ilk to further hasten the destruction of the Olympian Gods. Ares was being used by forces he had no idea were using him and Xena to bring about a new world order into being. Zeus knew but he would not tell him everything and thought that he could stop it by killing Xena´s child despite what the Fates had warned against such actions. Well, Zeus had been wrong and now he was gone and Ares was still playing into the hands of Eli´s god´s plans
against his fellow gods which scared the hell out of him, but he couldn´t figure a way to stop their destruction and deaths either. He was as much a part of this as was the woman next to him. He could only pray that everything would work out okay—somehow. For now he kept his inward worrying to himself and turned a reassuring face towards his beloved and tried to focus on what was happening now with her and her daughter and let the rest sort itself out later.

        Xena replied, "I know. I´m sorry for you all. I really am. But maybe it is time for changes. That´s what the people want. If you want worshippers you´re going to have to really start listening to them instead of what you think they want or what has been done for centuries. People aren´t as blindly obedient as they were in the past. They question, they ask, they want more than what you can give them. They will not be ruled by fear anymore. That´s what you have to understand, all of you, gods can not exist without
 worshippers but they won´t worship out fear when they can worship out of love and respect instead," she told him not sure how he was going to take her advice.

        He cocked his head glancing at her thoughtfully, actually considering her words instead of losing his temper as he knew she was expecting. What she was telling him what was what he had been observing as well as the others. If they were to survive they would have to change the way they dealt with mortals and their worshippers or they would continue to lose more and more of their followers to Eli´s group and others that were rising all around them. Finally he spoke, "What you say is true and we have been noticing that strong arm tactics like I used on Eli are a mistake. You have no idea how much I have regretted killing him. It was a very stupid mistake. The situation has gotten worse with more people flocking to him then ever before. There´s even talk of you being a holy woman because of Eve´s conception that Eli´s followers witnessed.," he told her in a low voice, not really wanting his fellows to overhear him.

"Me? A holy woman? You´ve got to be kidding?" she said shocked and annoyed at even the conception of such of thing, trying to keep her voice down, understanding the gravity of the situation. "That´s not good. I had no idea—really. You ought to know how I feel about something like that. I take it others know too, like Athena?" she asked, beginning to suspect where some of the animosity she had been getting from the goddess was coming from.

"Yeah, unfortunately. She is considering you a real threat to her as there have been rumors of people turning from worshipping her to worshipping you as they see you as the embodiment of justice and warfare as well as protective motherhood. Even Artemis is losing followers because of you especially among the Amazons. Zeus´ death and Eve´s birth is already becoming legend," Ares told her, seeing her go pale with the implications of that kind of fame. It was clear from her reactions she hadn´t known any of this and it was now troubling her deeply.

She wanted no part of such conceptions about herself. She was no divine being nor did she want to be worshipped as such. But she had been noticing changes in attitude among the common people when they realized that she was that "Xena", but she had just put it down to the normal hero worshipping that had always followed her since she changed her ways and became a champion of justice for the people. She had known about the worshipping of her as more than that since Eve´s birth. This was not a good thing. But she was unsure how to stop it either. Finally she spoke, "We´ll talk about this later, but I´m going to try and nip this in the bud. I won´t have people worshipping me or Eve like we are holy or gods—no way. This is bad, real bad. No wonder Athena has such a grudge against me," she grimaced, shaking her head and looked around and was now understanding the situation a lot clearer if this was really the case. "I´ll…we´ll deal with it. Anyway, it looks like the meeting is about to start," she told him turning her attention back to Athena who was calling everyone to order and the room became quiet.

"Thank you for saying ‘we´. What ever happens here today know that I love you and Eve and I am going to stand by you no matter what. Wish us all luck getting through this," he told her meeting her eyes that were filled with renewed respect and gratitude towards him and even a touch of love, he saw that and smiled as he gave her a quick kiss on the check, and he too turned his attention to Athena across the room sitting impireally on Zeus´ old throne.

        The Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare stood up and in a clear voice began, "Gods and Goddesses of Olympus you have been called here to make judgment upon the mortal woman, Xena, the so called 'warrior princess' and her daughter, Eve, that was conceived without union by either god or man, but by those other 'God's' forces enemy to us. This is the self same child for whom the Fates have prophesied would bring on the Twilight of the Gods. Already Zeus and Hera are no more because of this child, slain by Hercules, Zeus' half mortal son in defense of this woman. Their son Ares, the God of War, has now allied himself with this woman, his former Chosen, to act as her protector as well as of the child. He has further stated that he will also take responsibility for this child and be her father. And to further complicate the issue he has already sired a child upon this mortal. The issues before us that must be decided on are: to determine if this child is indeed a threat to us, and if she is, whether Xena and her daughter live, or die. There is also the matter of this new child Xena now carries, and whether this union with Ares should be allowed to stand. If this union is not allowed, you are also to decide what punishments should be given Ares for his actions. We will be begin the debate with the first of the charges to determine if this child is a threat." Athena told the assembled gods sitting back down and looking supremely satisfied with herself as she spared a glare to Xena.

        In the huge white and gold pillared marble hall already there were not so quiet rumblings and mutterings among the gods and goddesses as to the collective charges. Xena had been scanning their faces and reactions to Athena's words as well as any reactions to her presence. Already she was getting a good idea of who was firmly in Athena's camp, who were the neutrals, and those who were or might be allies. The neutrals were the largest group and the ones who would be key in deciding their fates.

        Someone's voice rang out, "And how do you propose to determine this?"

        "By examination of the child by any means, short of physical harm or damage until it is decided it is appropriate. Is that acceptable, Xena? That is why you brought the child here, is it not?" Athena questioned sweetly, appearing to be just in her actions while zeroing in on Xena and making the other gods and goddesses focus
on her too.

        Xena could feel Ares beside her start to object and she spared him a look to stay out of it between her and Athena. She had brought her child into this dangerous situation for this very purpose; how could she say no? "Yes, that will be acceptable, Athena. I have no objections," she answered meeting the goddess' eyes unflinching from her conviction that her daughter was no threat.

        Athena smiled, inwardly amused that Xena was being so compliant, but also suspicious too wondering what if anything the warrior was up to. "Very well, where is the child?" Athena asked noting that Xena did not have her.

        "Hades has her," Aphodite spoke up from behind Xena with a giggle and both Ares and Xena turned around incredulously to see that it was so.

        The God of the Underworld did indeed have her and was happily playing with the child. It took a lot to get this god so relaxed. Xena stared open mouthed at the scene as did Ares. The God of the Underground was childless and never took an interest in children at all even the ones staying in his domain of the dead.

        He saw everyone looking at him and got embarrassed, "what?? You think I can't hold a child?" he asked looking around, daring any of his fellows to laugh at him. "She's quite charming for a mortal. As far as I can determine and, I have been testing her," he added to the assembled. "I see nothing to be worried about. I do sense a small reserve of unknown power within in her, but as long as she is kept within Olympian influence there should be no problem with these powers which should not manifest until she reaches puberty." he pronounced, giving them all his opinion of Eve handing her back to Aphodite.

        The Goddess of Love took the child back with a grin happy to hear her Uncle's verdict. She gave Ares and Xena a wink. "See bro' I told you it'd be okay," she told her skeptical big brother.

        From across the room came Athena's voice, "Okay we have Hades' opinion. Who is next?" she asked, not pleased by Hades verdict. She hadn't expected that. She didn't even have to ask Aphodite. It was already clear what hers' was. Poseidon? Hestia? Artemis? Anyone?" Athena asked looking around.

        Poseidon stood up from his corner and came over. He was slightly more solid form than Xena was used to seeing him. His pale skin was slightly bluish-green tinged and scaly and his long unruly hair and beard were seaweed colored. She saw the resemblance to Zeus more than to Hades in his build and looks. He wore a rainbow colored metallic scaled loin cloth and golden sandals as well as his crown. He approached Aphrodite and took the child who looked wide eyed at him for a moment then relaxed in his arms. For a moment Eve was bathed in a golden glow as Poseidon tested her with his powers and she only cooed back not unnerved in the least by the experience.

        Xena sat there on pins and needles during the examination with Ares clasping her hand not only for reassurance but to be able to grab her if she decided to make a move. So far Xena was staying put and reacting outwardly calm to the proceedings. Ares was too staying calm as he watched his Uncle put Eve through tests.

        Finally Posiedon was through and announced his decision to the group. "I have to agree with Hades. I see now the problem with this child. There is potential there, but what it is and what direction it may be directed in the future towards us is unknown. There is old saying about keeping potential enemies close to bring them to your side. I think it best that the child remain within our sphere of influence rather than be contaminated by the teaching and influence of this God of Eli's. I think Ares has made the right choice in dealing with the situation in the way he has. I approve of his union with Xena and his being father to this child. By this child being in our realm rather than in the mortal one then this so-called Twilight of the Gods will cease to be a threat if it every was. Her being raised with gods and never knowing her origins may be our best hope. If she thinks she is part of us rather than of the Other's she will be less likely to turn her back on us, and do damage once her potential is realized. We may even think of making her a goddess as well as her mother one of us to further eliminate any possibility of betrayal. The Fates have also decried that that child must live despite this so called prophesy. I vote no for destroying the child," he told the assembled, stunning Athena, who hadn't expected him to side with Ares.

        The Goddess of Wisdom sat back heavily on her throne reevaluating. This was not going the way she had envisioned it to. She just hoped someone would side with her. Though she had to admit there was a sort of logic and wisdom to her Uncle's thought about the child in making her one of them and not letting the girl know who or what she was--though that implied cooperation on that part by everyone, including her mother. Though if it was a matter of the child's life, she could be persuaded. Athena smiled seeing the beginning of a plan. Though she still had to hear from the other gods and goddesses to make this a 'fair' hearing which she had promised.

        "Thank you Poseidon for your opinions. Who is next?" she asked.

        Artemis got up and came over to Poseidon and took the child from his arms and he wandered back to his cushions. The Goddess of the Hunt proceeded to examine the same way that Poseidon had with a few of her own tests of strength and agility since this child also had the potential to be a very fierce warrior as her mother was. Finally she was satisfied and looked back to Athena to give her opinion.

        "Hate to rain on your parade, Sis, but I have to agree with Hades and Poseidon about her maybe being a threat if she is let loose into the world. No, she must be raised with us and not destroyed. Who knows what may be born into the cosmos to replace her. I am torn though as to whether she should be allowed training in the arts of war given both her heritage from her mother and her future possible threat to us. The child has great potential as a warrior, but maybe she should be raised differently in the ways of peace and love, maybe under Aphrodite's rather than Ares' spheres of influence. And I think Ares did the right thing considering he generally screws up majority when it comes to our welfare," she told her, glancing at her brother who was managing to hold his temper after her remarks. She still hadn't forgiven him for the Dahook affair that had almost destroyed the world and a number of her followers.

        "All right, I will take your suggestions under consideration as to her future training," Athena replied, resigning herself that they may be stuck with the kid. "Okay, who is next?" she asked wanting to get this over with--soon.

        Hermes who was thin and wiry looking with short, white blond hair underneath his trademark helmet with wings, and intense, darting gray eyes stepped forward nervously, and took the child and she smiled up at him and he smiled back. His examination took less time than the other gods had. "The kid's okay. I have no problems with her. And I think she should be one of us. Ares did okay and Xena's cool with me too. As to what she should be trained at I don't have a clue. I'll let you guys figure that one out," he told Athena.

        Athena just rolled her eyes. Figures, he'd stay out of the middle of this. "Okay, Hermes, you're off the hook. Next?" she asked and saw Apollo come forward to claim the child. The golden god was breathtaking with a tanned lean but muscled body, golden curls to his shoulders and bright blue eyes. He took the child and if she had smiled before at Hermes she really smiled at Apollo. He took a little more time with his examination than Hermes had, but not much more.

        "Athena, I really can't see any real problems with this child. And I agree with everyone else that to be on the safe side she should be raised as one of our own, and not informed of her origins. And since Ares is now claiming her, he should claim to be her sire as well. If that is decided then no one should speak to her about her origins, including her parents. As to her training, maybe a peaceful path might be best. She does not seem to be of a warrior nature to me and should be encouraged in the feminine arts," he told the Goddess of Wisdom.

        Hephaestus stepped forward and Apollo handed him Eve. She seemed almost lost in the big blacksmith's hands. Him, she looked up in wonder and awe and then gave him a toothless smile, not afraid of his deformities or his size. He proceeded with his examination and nodded satisfied to himself. "The child is definitely unique, and there is much potential here. I also agree that she should be made a part of us, not informed of her origins, and trained in the ways of peace and love rather than war. I applaud Ares settling down, especially with his Chosen, whom I have met before and like. This will be a good match as she will balance him and hopefully keep out of trouble," he told the group and looked pointedly at Ares. He hadn't quite forgiven him for some things in their past.

        The next to come forward was Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth. To all appearances the virginal goddess was a plainly dressed older woman in a simple brown tunic dress with non descript nut brown hair and hazel eyes. She was the quiet one that no one ever hear much about as she was not as flashy as the other gods. She took the child who regarded her respectfully. She too examined the child and nodded sadly when she was finished. "This child is interesting and I have known many a child. Unchecked she could be a very grave threat to all of us, but given what my fellows have said, I agree that the best course would be to keep this one close, keep her ignorant of her origins, and prescribe a path of peace and love for her to eliminate any danger that learning the arts of war could pose against us. To destroy this child would be a very grave mistake as what would be born in her place would be a worse threat to both us and the humanity we protect. I, too, second the idea of Ares taking full responsibility for this child and his Chosen. I have already observed how fiercely Xena will fight for this child, even against us of which she has no fear. It is better to have her as an ally than as enemy. No she was right to come here and present herself and her child for judgment instead of us all relying on hearsay instead of facts," she told all assembled. "Who also wishes to examine this child?" she asked looking around to the minor gods and goddesses who had let the major gods go first.

        Those were the ones that Xena was not familiar with. They were slightly younger in appearance than the main gods and goddesses, but no less formidable. There were slightly over a dozen and a half of them. Their times with Eve were brief compared with the elder gods, but all pretty much said what the ones before them had said with little descent from the common consensus. Xena began to relax a little and so did Ares. Surprisingly Eve had been very quiet and good and had not fussed during all the long proceedings, somehow sensing that if she did it would go badly for her. There were a few of darkside gods that she frown at but she did not cry even when they pushed a little to make her. Finally the last of them was done and brought the child to Athena herself who had not yet examined or held her. Even for her, Eve would not cry, though she did not smile at her as she had others but regarded her steadily.

        Finally Athena looked up from her examination of Eve, looked at bit flushed and frustrated as she could not find anything to really be upset about. She still would have preferred to destroy both Mother and child on general principles. Though she was also taking in consideration the warnings from several gods that if that happened the void would be filled by a worse threat than this child. The indefinable difference in the child the others had found was there but did not seem threatening. She also had to agree with the logic and suggestions that had been brought forth to harness any potential threats as well. What was must be done was now clear to her and she stood up from her throne with the child to make her announcement.

        "Xena, Ares arise," she commanded, motioning Xena and Ares to rise and they did keeping their expressions neutral. "Xena, your child has been duly examined by all, and you have heard their verdicts. The consensus is that your child and you shall live. You will become one of us, and your child shall be raised as one of our own. Ares will assume full responsibility for both of you, and for any children from your union. Your child is to never know her true origins from either god nor mortal, and will think of only Ares as her father," Athena told them, knowing that was not going to set too well with Xena and enjoyed an inner smile over that. "Further, she will not know the ways of war or warfare and will be trained in the feminine arts or in the healing arts with Hestia, Aphrodite and Apollo overseeing her training and any powers that do manifest. Until she is grown she will have limited, supervised contact with the earth and with mortals, especially those of that follow the teachings of Eli or similar. Do you accept these terms unconditionally?" she asked, almost wanting them to argue and make fools of themselves.

        Xena spared a glance to Ares, and he calmly nodded agreement to her. Reassured she replied, standing tall and proud in her armor, "I accept these terms, Athena, as well as the verdicts of the gods and goddesses who have examined her. I will agree to letting myself, and my daughter become one of you. I also accept Ares as father of my children, and that Eve shall know only him as her father. Her true origins will not be revealed, nor will she know the ways of war or of Eli's teachings. I accept the Aphodite, Hestia, and Apollo shall oversee her training, that she shall be raised as one of the gods, and shall have limited contact with the earth and mortals. All this I swear to you and this assembly," she swore solemnly, making eye contact with Athena who flinched back.

        Ares had watched Xena during her speech a little surprised at her compliance to all these terms without argument. He was hoping she wasn't up to anything. He couldn't be sure. He knew that becoming a goddess and joining the Olympians was the last thing she wanted--ever. But she was also a survivalist and probably figured this was the only thing she could do at the moment. When she was finished she turned to him giving him his clue to speak.

        Ares gave her a slight smile and shrugged wanting to get this over soon so they could talk. Then he turned to his sister still holding Eve, "I, too, accept the terms and responsibility for this woman and this child. As well as all the conditions set forth by my fellows. I pledge to be a father to Eve in all ways and for her never to know her true origins. I'm not too happy about her not going to know the ways of war, which is going to be difficult considering that I am the God of War and to be her father. If there is some spillover, I hope the Council won't be too upset. Like she's not going to pick up a few things with me and Xena as parents? Let's be real, Sis," he had to say.

        "Okay, you have a point. As it will be difficult for her not to know of war and warfare with you and Xena as parents. But there is to be no encouraging of it even if she begs for it, and no active training in it including in secret, is that clear, brother?" Athena demanded.

        "Gothca," he agreed, no training, no encouraging. You do know how to take the fun out of life, Sis," he added, and there were muffled giggles and laughter around the room. "But to all the rest of it I agree to letting Aphodite and Hestia train her, but Apollo? I'm not too wild about that as long as he keeps it strictly business, if he doesn't I will have his hide, is that clear?" he told his sister, knowing Apollo's skirt chasing of young women, and not wanting Eve to be one of his endless conquests. Already Ares was taking his responsibilities towards Eve seriously

        "It will be strictly business. Is that clear Apollo?" Athena said and turned to the golden god, who nodded compliance, looking completely innocent like he had no idea what they were talking about--right. "Good," she replied, and turned back to Ares. "Is that acceptable? Anything else?" she asked.

        "No, that about covers it. Are we through now?" he asked, wanting this over and done with.

        "Yes, except for Xena and Eve becoming one of us," she said, surprising Ares and Xena that she wanted to do this now instead of later. Xena glanced worriedly at Ares who shrugged and shook his head. There wasn't anything he or they could do. This move on Athena's part was totally unexpected as had been the total verdict of the gods, but to honor her pledge to them Xena had to go through this and become one of them now or go back on her word. She was stuck and she knew it. She could see Athena smiling, as she was scoring a victory of sorts over Xena because she knew how much Xena was going to hate giving up her mortality.

        Turning Athena motioned one of her attendants to come forward with a crystal container. "Malia, bring forth the ambrosia," Athena commanded. The young warrior attendant stepped forward and kneeled before her lady goddess offering up the now open container for her. Dipping her hand into the container she brought forth a gob of rainbow glowing jellied stuff and held her hand up for attention. "Assembled Gods and Goddesses, I ask you to bear witness to the birth of two new goddesses to our family, the mortals Xena and her daughter Eve. Only through the powers of ambrosia may mortals be transformed, thus I give it first to this child," Athena told them all and stuffed a large portion of the thick substance into the child's mouth.

        Ares quickly grabbed Xena's arm to stop her from running over and snatching Eve from Athena's arms. "Ares, let me go," she warned dangerously, trying to shake him off but he held on to her firmly knowing that if she did try and stop Athena it would be proof that she was not going to keep her word.

        "No, you can't interfere. It's too late," he told her and she stopped struggling just glaring daggers at Athena, worried about her daughter that she couldn't get to and comfort.

        Eve began to cry terrified as the ambrosia took immediate effect on her mortal system like liquid fire through her veins, transmigrating every cell in her body and causing a rapid growth spurt within her so that she went from being four months old to a year within less than a minute. In appearance too she was changed slightly becoming more radiant, more healthy looking than before. Her cap had fallen off and one could now see long, luxuriant dark brown hair covering her head down to her shoulders. Finally she calmed as the transformation was completed and she looked around more aware of her surroundings.

        "It is done," Athena happily announced, holding Eve up in the air and showing the child to all. "Now, Xena, it's your turn. Come forward and receive the ambrosia. Unless you want to back out of your deal. If you do, I'm sure I can find a suitable home for Eve as she will not leave here now," Athena smiled sweetly knowing she had Xena either way. She handed Eve to another attendant and waited for Xena's response.

        "I'm coming," she told the goddess, defeat in her voice. With Ares close behind her she walked across the room to Athena's throne to stand before her and stare at her daughter who was actively squirming and trying to get out of the girl's arms to run across the room.

        "Open your mouth please," Athena commanded her holding the container up to her lips and making her drink the remainder of the contents. Xena reluctantly complied trying not to jerk back as the bright jellied liquid touched her lips like liquid fire. She forced herself to accept the sickly sweet substance and to shallow it down, fighting both nausea and pain as it began to be absorbed into her system. She fell to her knees with the sheer pain of the transformational changes taking place within in. Ares stood by worriedly, and rushed to her aid as she began to fall forward to the marble floor clutching her stomach. She bit her tongue to keep from screaming at the intensity of sensations roaring through her. She could feel the unlimited power flowing through her, the heightened awareness of everything within and around her. The transformation seemed to go on for forever until she thought she'd got mad with the dizzying, calliscope of color, sound, touch and feeling. So, this is what it feels like to be a god, was all she could think as the sensations of the transformation slowed down and stabilized. Finally, she could open her eyes and looked up to see Ares her holding her, his expression both worried and relieved that she was recovering from the ordeal.

        "Gods that was...awful," Xena gasped, becoming aware of her surroundings, looking up into his very concerned dark eyes. Finally she managed to straighten up with his help. "And you gave my kid this?" she asked, shaking her head, and glaring up at Athena wishing there was some way she could pay her back for all the pain she had had to endure to become one of the group. Finally she stopped vibrating and pushed herself to her feet already sensing the difference within herself as the transformation was completed.

        "Are you going to be okay?" he asked, not sure why the transformation had been so hard on her as it usually wasn't this difficult for mortals that he had observed.

        "Yeah, I hope so, eventually," she told Ares then turned her attention full force upon Athena who had an amused look on her face. She had enjoyed seeing Xena suffer in front of all the other immortals. "I've done my part. I'm now one of you, satisfied?" she asked.

        "Yes, you may now have your daughter back," she replied with a smug smile, and motioned the attendant holding a now very squirming Eve who was pulling the girl's hair and trying to undo her armor to bring the child forward which the girl did gratefully. The girl was more than willing to give Xena the child and thrust her into her mother's arms.

        "Thanks," Xena replied coolly but politely as she checked her daughter over already dismayed that she was now many months older than she had been before the change. Eve clutched on to her mother, glad to see her, and wanting to be comforted and reassured. She was still frightened and confused by what had happened to her.

        "Xena, you've already noticed that Eve has grown. She will continue to grow rapidly so that by the end of week she will be as a three year old, by next week she will appear to be six, and so on until she reaches puberty, and it slows down a little and then her growth will be slower for the next couple of years. Our children remain youths almost like mortal children and maturity is prolonged as desired. The child you carry will also develop more quickly. Instead of a nine month pregnancy it will only take six weeks until you deliver with almost no pain," Athena told her, knowing she had questions about the changes to herself and

        Xena took the news neutrally, but inwardly she was mad as hell because she was going to be robbed of watching her daughter grow up slowly and normally. Though it could have been worse. She and child could be dead by now. "All right, I do appreciate you telling me this now instead of freaking out. Is there anything else I should know about her care and feeding?"

        Athena sighed, "Actually the best one to ask would be Aphodite since she has had children and taken care of them. I am afraid I have no expertise about growing children," Athena replied truthfully.

        Xena carefully did not say what she was thinking, instead she replied, "thanks. Am I free to go now?"

        "Yes, but tomorrow please see me about assigning you your duties." Athena told her casually dismissing her.

        "Duties?" sputtered Xena, who stopped her forward motion to spin around to face her. She was flabbergasted and could only look up at Athena surprised, rather puzzled that she was getting a job too with this new godhood. She didn't think that Athena would trust her enough to give her control over anything dealing with mortals or life. Especially in view of what Ares had been telling her earlier about people beginning to worship her instead of Athena as a goddess of warfare. She wasn´t liking the sound of this new development. Her gut told her Athena was up to something and she didn´t think becoming a goddess was going to change those instincts. She might be on equal footing with this group now, but it didn´t mean she trusted any of them any more than what she had before her change.

        Athena appeared not to notice Xena´s suspicious glances as she blithely went on, "Yes, since you are a full goddess now we need to discuss what area of life you will oversee in the mortal world. There are a few vacancies that do need filling due to Hera being gone and my being overwhelmed with administrative matters. For the time being whatever is decided on will be limited due to your condition, but after the child is born you will be expected to take on more responsibilities." Athena informed her, amused that Xena hadn't expected this. She loved playing with the now former-mortal's head.

        "Okay, I guess," she said, just shaking her head, not believing how fast everything was happening. She hadn't even had a chance to figure out what if any powers she had or get adjusted to her new body before Athena was already thinking of putting her to work. "Tomorrow," Xena added, and holding tighly on to her daughter and then she high tailed it back to her cushions on the other side of the room before Athena could do or say anything else. Ares hung back wanting to have a few words with his sister over her rude treatment of Xena.

Continued in Part 3




Complaints, Comments, Requests, Etc, write Vickey Brickle-Macky